Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed?

There is always so much to do as a homeschooling mom, isn't there?
Here are 10 great ideas you can implement NOW to help you THRIVE, and not just survive, your homeschool day!

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    Feel More Peace

    Improving your prayer life will help you to feel more at peace in your homeschooling journey. There are multiple tips in this book that will help you to do just that!

    Be More Organized

    Are you naturally organized or would you generally describe yourself as a hot mess? Either way, find tips that will help keep you on top of all the things you need to do each day!

    Take Better Care of Yourself

    You know the old saying that you can't pour from an empty cup? Well, it's true. Make sure that you are taking care of YOU so that you can better take care of those around you!